SDGs—Sustainable Development Goals—are goals shared by the international community adopted at the September 2015 United Nations Sustainable Development Summit and targeted for achievement by 2030.
Consisting of 17 Goals and 169 Targets, the SDGs are meant to resolve issues facing the world today and to create a sustainable world. To this end, the Agenda pledges that the “Goals and targets should be met for all nations and people and for all segments of society” in order to “leave no one behind.”
Taking “water” as the keyword providing our focus, Daiki Axis engages in business development aimed at creating pleasant living environments that are eco-friendly and people-friendly. Most water pollution is caused by domestic and industrial wastewater, and many regions in developing countries lack wastewater treatment infrastructure, which contributes to serious environmental destruction. Daiki Axis is committed to promoting water-related environmental improvement globally through the products and services we offer—transforming contaminated water into clean water.
Daiki Axis deals in products with eco-minded sensibilities, such as those using thinned wood.
Daiki Axis works to contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions and the prevention of air pollution through the effective use of resources with our conversion of waste cooking oil to biodiesel fuel.
Generating power with solar panels installed on the rooftops of commercial complexes and with small-scale wind turbine generators, Daiki Axis works to contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions and so on through the use of resources from the natural environment.
Daiki Axis uses to introduce efforts we are making in conjunction with SDGs.