Financial Information

Financial Information — Business Result Trends

Consolidated Results

Term 15th Fiscal Period 16th Fiscal Period 17th Fiscal Period 18th Fiscal Period 19th Fiscal Period
Closing Month/Year Dec. 2019 Dec. 2020 Dec. 2021 Dec. 2022 Dec. 2023
Net sales (Million of yen) 35,749 34,647 37,824 39,478 42,681
Ordinary income (Million of yen) 1,155 1,211 1,300 1,172 837
Current term net profit attributable to parent company shareholders (Million of yen) 782 477 610 574 205
Comprehensive income (Million of yen) 790 568 741 960 360
Net assets (Million of yen) 9,203 7,634 8,839 9,522 9,524
Total assets (Million of yen) 29,907 27,778 32,252 31,905 34,071
Net assets per share (yen) 595.44 615.03 665.97 716.05 714.97
Current term net profit per share (yen) 65.20 39.59 47.06 43.25 15.43
Capital adequacy ratio (%) 23.9 27.5 27.4 29.8 28.0
Return on equity (%) 11.3 6.5 7.4 6.3 2.2
Cash flow from operating activities (Million of yen) 2,416 2,222 520 1,261 1,344
Cash flow from investment activities (Million of yen) △2,846 △1,047 △1,505 △1,548 △2,452
Cash flow from financing activities (Million of yen) 1,642 △424 △703 790 574
Closing balance of cash & cash equivalents (Million of yen) 7,124 7,856 6,250 7,138 6,670
Number of employees 810


  1. In the case of stock splits, figures have been revised retroactively on a per-share basis.
  2. Parenthesized figures under “Number of employees” show part-time and contract employees’ number separate from total.