Daiki Axis adopts the following Basic Guidelines in order to prevent damages from groups or individuals who seek to use violence, threats or fraudulent means for economic gain (“anti-social forces” hereafter).
The foundation for the rejection of anti-social forces shall be expressly stated in the Company’s internal regulations, etc., and responses shall be made by the organization as a whole. The safety of executives and employees dealing with anti-social forces shall be ensured as well.
In order to prevent damages from anti-social forces, the Company will maintain close, ordinary cooperative relationships with specialized outside organizations such as the police, the National Center for the Elimination of Violent Groups and law offices.
The Company shall have no relationships of any kind with anti-social forces, including transactional relationships. Any and all unreasonable demands from anti-social forces shall be rejected as well.
In response to unreasonable demands from anti-social forces, the Company will take legal action, both civil and criminal.
The Company will not engage in secret transactions with anti-social forces or provide funds to anti-social forces.